Search Marketing
Search marketing is the act of creating content for the result of found during search queries on Google, Bing, and other search engines. It isn’t new, but it is certainly overlooked far too often as the most viable means for potentially improving website traffic. Unfortunately, it is being misused in many cases to mislead those who have finally decided to take a positive step in that direction. We understand the confusion surrounding the subject and the noise coming from all directions. Unfortunately there are unsavory practices being utilized to take advantage of those who do not have a clear understanding of search marketing, and the popular term SEO, or search engine marketing. Always beware of anyone making “guarantees” about your website’s ranking, and please hang up on the phone calls you may receive saying, “We have the number one spot on Google for you….even if they say they are working with Google.” We promise, they are not.
It is important to have a clear understanding of the steps required to make the process work…with the result being a conversion (or click) to your website.
1. A good search marketing strategy first involves the process of learning about the keywords and terms web-surfing golfers are using to find your message.
2. The next step requires knowledge of how to use those terms on your website to make your message visible to those searching for relevant content.
3. Getting the conversion to your site is not automatic. Titles of pages, articles, blogs, videos, and photos should be carefully planned for maximum result.
3. Properly titled and tagged photo galleries are probably the most overlooked search opportunities. Image search is huge, and appropriately posted photos can create conversions.
4. Video content has been and still is king of media. Posting videos on YouTube, Vimeo, and other hosting services can generate additional conversion opportunities. Be sure you don’t overlook the obvious. Always provide a link to your website on all video postings.
Being visible on the web is not automatic. There are many websites thin on content that are not ranking well. There are just as many with decent content built on platforms that do not lend to good content indexing. Getting the visibility, and hopefully the click is the job of a good search marketing strategy, but nothing works with a poor foundation. Search marketing has to be part of a comprehensive overall digital strategy. Learn more about that HERE. If you would like to receive a free consultation regarding this subject, contact iNetGolf HERE.