Android mobile devices usersiPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices users are changing the way the world interacts with business. You can bet the golf industry will be no exception. Not since the advent of radio and television has changing technology had so much potential impact. Perhaps the most surprising statistics are those relating to the numbers of baby boomers using the technology. Everyone expected the Gen X , Y, and Millennials to adopt to new technologies, but most thought the richest generation in history would lag further behind. Not so. But, the spenders of tomorrow are the Millennials, and these tech savvy buyers, often referred to as the Echo Boomers (because of their population), represent more than 80 million Americans poised to make their mark in the U.S. economy.

iPhones, iPads, and Android Mobile Devices Users Impact on Business

Mobile device users will likely top 2 Billion globally  within the next year. Already over 90% of Americans own a cell phone, the number of smart devices has surpassed 75% of Americans. Over 67% of Americans go online with their mobile devices. But 2 rising statistics will potentially have the most impact are: Over 30% of Americans use their smart device as their only connection to the internet; and (already)over 40% of online purchases are made from smart devices. These statistics are proof of serious changes in commerce. Golf course owners and managers take note. Are you ready?

Unfortunately, most golf course websites we’ve reviewed are not mobile responsive.  An unresponsive site means mobile surfers have to manipulate the display to navigate, search, and view content. This an issue for which mobile users seem to be losing patience, as mobile responsive platforms require no manipulation and display content in a hierarchical manner. Ideally, well-developed  sites will utilize the process of Conversion Centered Design (CCD), a method that directs users through a simplified, planned, and strategic path designed to achieve maximum conversion from each page to the next. Special consideration has to be given to landing pages in order to achieve the expected conversion. Otherwise a well-placed ad may only result in a bounced visit. Early adopters of mobile responsive technology and CCD have the distinct opportunity to develop new and more dimensional relationships with their prospective clients.

Most existing golf course websites were designed to be an added benefit. Few are updated on a regular basis with fresh content, and many have not been updated in months, or even years. The golf course website of tomorrow will be the courses main connection to the buying world. It will be strategically designed to take users through a series simple, obvious, and quick decisions to reach each site partition. The use of (quick) video presentation and course photography will be key elements easily delivering impactful information to prospective users.  The most important feature of the golf course website of tomorrow, and clearly the biggest challenge to be conquered, will be regularly updated and optimized content.

How Do We Meet The Challenge?

Where and how to golf course management  teams acquire the knowledge base to meet the coming website interface challenge? There’s little doubt the personnel staffing for larger companies will include digital managers and digital strategists. But tight budgets and narrow profits will dictate most smaller organizations ( and many larger ones) to hire consultants, and even contract content creators / managers. Consultant are still, and will most likely always be, less expensive than employees. This is the kind of strategy that course owners and managers should be developing today for implementation as soon as possible.

iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices users are certainly making their impact, and every business around the globe, will have to adapt to keep pace. iNetGolf has been formed to specifically assist the golfing community prepare, adjust, and adapt to the coming changes. Our service offerings have been designed to effectively and efficiently  handle every challenge to be faced. We invite you to review our list of services HERE, and reach out to us through our Contact Form for a free consultation with one of our digital strategists. We’re here for the sole purpose of helping the golf industry transition into the digital world.